Case Study

Driving growth through new 3rd party distribution channels and fintech partnerships.

The Challenge

Our institutional client approached KWP with two challenges. It relied too heavily on a large, captive, national sales force and needed to build new distribution channels to grow. In addition, after making several acquisitions, which included the launch of a direct-to-customer channel, the client needed to integrate and streamline the new businesses.

To build new distribution channels, KWP developed a partnership and alliance strategy across the organization. We investigated and formed a strategic partner framework that included a variety of financial services partners, affinity groups and emerging fintech companies. This created multiple new distribution opportunities.

Our Approach

KWP used its progressive research and collaborative learning workshops to:
•   Narrow down a list of potential distribution partners [FUNNEL IMAGE]
•   Examine the marketplace landscape [LIST OF BANKS]
•   Develop sector and company profiles [SCORECARD]
•   Identify new fintech players in alternative, non-bank home and auto lending to serve
    as potential insurance partners [MOST PROMISING CANDIDATES]
•   Conduct product deep dives
•   Develop a deep understanding of Millennials’ attitudes, behaviors and financial
    ownership to inform multiple initiatives

The Outcome

KWP developed a comprehensive 3rd party distribution plan that identified new growth opportunities through partnerships and affinity relationships. We used a propriety partnership scorecard to develop a new business development model and determine which relationships and partnerships to pursue based on specific success criteria. We also facilitated introductions and new business meetings, and applied market insights to develop a new value proposition and pitch deck.

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