Case Study

Identifying optimum market positioning post-merger for two unified communications providers.

The Challenge

When two global unified communications companies announced their merger, leaders had a big vision for the new enterprise. But first it was necessary to combine and align the organizations’ business and product strategies and rebrand with a new market position.

Challenged by significant differences in name recognition, market reach and customer loyalty, the company brought in KWP Consulting to help. Our goal was to assess the brand and product portfolios of each organization and help the combined company launch a new brand once the deal was complete.

We began by examining the two businesses’ products strategies, competitive landscapes, sales channels and brands to find synergies. We then developed an in-depth understanding of the perception of each company’s customer base in North America, Europe/the Middle East and Africa, Asia-Pacific and South America to identify strengths, liabilities and new opportunities.

Our Approach

KWP Consulting:
•   Reviewed existing brand research for both companies
•   Developed of a comprehensive competitive landscape
•   Reviewed and aligned business and product portfolio strategies
•   Conducted in-depth primary customer research across four global regions
•   Conducted a brand audit

The Outcome

At the end of the engagement, our client had a clear understanding of the optimum market positioning that would align the two companies’ business and product strategies. We also provided new naming and risk mitigation recommendations that resonated with both customer bases.

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